Designed on a modular platform, MALÅ Professional Explorer (ProEx) is the most versatile control unit in the MALÅ range and replaces the world famous RAMAC/GPR CUII.
MALÅ ProEx control unit, coupled with the MALÅ XV
Monitor is compatible with a broad range of antennas and offers a flexible and versatile approach to detecting subsurface targets and geological layers accurately, efficiently and in real-time.

- Arctic studies
- Multi-channel roadway mapping
- Locating sites for safe nuclear waste repositories.
Moreover, the MALÅ ProEx control unit also serves as the base for our MIRA solutions.
The MALÅ XV Monitor is a dedicated tool, optimized for the job at hand, i.e. the collection, handling, processing, and presentation of GPR data. The user interface has been designed to be simple, intuitive, and easy to use. Its unique dual function button allows for simple navigation.
MALÅ XV Monitor was designed with field use in mind; the rugged housing is IP65 and has a tough impact-resistant screen. Its high-bright screen displays the data clearly, even when operating in direct sunlight.
- Shielded
- High-frequency
- Rough terrain (RTA)
- Unshielded
- Separable shielded
- Borehole
- Infrastructure & Construction
- Geotechnical & Environmental
- Archaeology
- Mining & Mineral Exploration
- Military & Police
The MALÅ ProEx is a modular digital radar control unit with multi-channel functionality. The unit is designed for two hardware channels (4 data channels). Adding an antenna module allows connection of two separate antennas for simultaneous data collection. As an option, the MALÅ ProEx Expansion Unit can be added to support up to eight individual antennas. A choice of three antenna modules (optical, high frequency and coax) allows the user to connect MALÅ antennas in various configurations, for single, dual or multi-antenna operation.
- Pulse repetition freq.: 100, 200 kHz, not interleaved
- Data bits: 16
- Nr. of samples/trace: 128-2048, in standard configuration, other on request
- Nr. of stacks: 1 – 32768 and auto stacking
- Samplings frequency: 2 – > 400 GHz
- Signal stability: < 70 ps
- Communication interface: Ethernet
- Communication speed: 100 Mbit/s
- Data transfer rate: Antenna dependent
- Acquisition modes: Distance/time/manual
- Power supply: 12 V MALÅ standard battery / external battery
- Operating time: Typically 5 h, antenna dependent
- Software: GroundVision2 or MALÅ XV Monitor
- Antennas: All MALÅ manufactured (not HDR)
- Wheel inputs: 1 master, 1 for each HF-unit
- Operating temp.: -20 °C to +50 °C or 0 °F to 120 °F
- Environmental: IP65
- Power supply: Li-Ion 12 V battery or other external source (9-18 V)
- Operating time: 5 h nominal (12 V battery)
- Operating temp: -20 °C to +50 °C or 0 °F to 120 °F
- Environmental: IP65
- Dimensions: 6 x 21.5 x 5.2 cm (with protruding details 8.6 cm)
- Weight: 6 kg
- Antennas: All MALÅ antennas (not HDR), except when operating the MALÅ borehole antennas in tomographic mode
- Communication: Ethernet 100Mb/s
- Display: LCD (640 x 480 pixels), hi-brite
100 MHz
The MALÅ Shielded 100 MHz antenna is used for medium to low resolution investigations.
- Dimensions: 125 x 78 x 20 cm
- Weight: 25.5 kg
- Applications: Geological and geotechnical applications.
250 MHz
The MALÅ Shielded 250 MHz antenna is a general purpose antenna, used for investigations that require medium depth penetration and medium resolution.
- Dimensions: 74 x 44 x 16 cm
- Weight: 7.85 kg
- Applications: Utility detection, Underground Storage Tank (UST) and void detection.
500 MHz
The MALÅ Shielded 500 MHz antenna is a general purpose antenna for shallow to medium depth investigations.
- Dimensions: 50 x 30 x 16 cm
- Weight: 5.0 kg
- Applications: Utility detection, road and pavement surveys.
800 MHz
The MALÅ Shielded 800 MHz antenna is suitable for shallow depth investigations.
- Dimensions: 38 x 20 x 12 cm
- Weight: 2.6 kg
- Applications: Road / pavement surveys and concrete / structural investigations.
Accessories for shielded antennas
- Towing kit
- Skid plates
- Measurement triggering wheels
- Rough Terrain Cart (RTC)
- Road Cart
1.2 GHz
The MALÅ 1.2 GHz HF Antenna is a high resolution antenna used for high
quality radar measurements, with the deepest penetration in the MALÅ HF
range. An optional EM sensor enables the detection of radiating 50/60 Hz fields
from power cables and / or other metallic conductors within the structure
under investigation.
- Dimensions: 19 x 11,5 x 11 cm
- Weight: 1.0 kg
(1.2 kg with 50/60 Hz EM sensor option)
1.6 GHz
The MALÅ 1.6 GHz HF Antenna is a high resolution antenna used for high quality
radar measurements, with medium penetration in the MALÅ HF range. An
optional EM sensor enables the detection of radiating 50/60 Hz fields from
power cables and/ or other metallic conductors within the structure under
- Dimensions: 16 x 9 x 11 cm
- Weight: 0.6 kg
(1.2 kg with 50/60 Hz EM sensor option)
2.3 GHz
The MALÅ 2.3 GHz HF Antenna is a high resolution antenna used for high
quality radar measurements, with the most shallow penetration in the
MALÅ HF range.
- Dimensions: 16 x 9 x 11 cm
- Weight: 0.5 kg
Accessories for HF antennas
- HF Cart
- Single measuring wheel
- Extension handle/ cables
- Skid / wear plates
Road Cart
30 MHz
The MALÅ RTA 30 MHz is suitable for investigations requiring the greatest depth penetration.
- Length: 13.06 m (distance Tx-Rx: 6 m)
- Weight: 8 kg
50 MHz
The MALÅ RTA 50 MHz is suitable for investigations that require medium to deep, depth penetration.
- Length: 9.25 m (distance Tx-Rx: 4 m)
- Weight: 7.0 kg
100 MHz
The MALÅ RTA 100 MHz is suitable for investigations that require medium depth penetration.
- Length: 6.56 m (distance Tx-Rx: 2 m)
- Weight: 6.0 kg
Accessories for RTA
- Towing belt
- Skid plates
- Hip chain
30 MHz
The MALÅ Unshielded 30 MHz Antennas are suitable for investigations requiring deep penetration. Antenna elements are detachable for easy transportation.
- Dimensions: 406 x 20 x 7 cm
- Weight: 3.85 kg (each)
- Applications: Geological and stratigraphical surveys in open terrain.
50 MHz
The MALÅ Unshielded 50 MHz Antennas are suitable for investigations that require medium to deep, depth penetration. They are lightweight and are suitable for one-person operation. Antenna elements are detachable for easy transportation.
- Dimensions: 206 x 20 x 7 cm
- Weight: 2.65 kg (each)
- Applications: Geological and geotechnical applications.
100 MHz
The MALÅ Unshielded 100 MHz Antenna is suitable for a wide range of applications that require medium depth penetration.
- Dimensions: 104 x 16 x 4 cm
- Weight: 1.10 kg (each)
- Applications: River and lake bottom mapping, landfill studies, karst, deep pipe and bedrock detection.
200 MHz
The MALÅ Unshielded 200 MHz Antennas are suitable for investigations that require medium depth penetration.
- Dimensions: 54 x 16 x 4 cm
- Weight: 0.55 kg (each)
- Applications: Utility detection, bedrock and cavity detection.
Accessories for unshielded antennas
- A number of accessories are available for the MALÅ Unshielded Antennas:
- Soft-sledge for long profiles
- Options for distance measurement and trace triggering
- Fiber optic cables
100 MHz Slimhole Borehole Antenna
The MALÅ 100 MHz Slimhole Borehole Antenna is the lowest frequency available, used for medium to low resolution investigations.
- Tx: Length: 189 cm (including batteries) – Diameter: 40 mm
- Weight: 3.3 kg
- Rx: Length: 176 cm (including batteries) – Diameter: 40 mm
- Weight: 3.6 kg
250 MHz Borehole Antenna
The MALÅ Borehole 250 MHz Antenna is a general purpose antenna, used for investigations that require medium resolution.
- Tx/Rx: Length: 129 cm (including batteries) – Diameter: 48 mm
- Weight: 4.75 kg
Accessories for borehole antennas
- Antenna separators
- Tripods
- Mechanical / digital depth encoders
- Electrical winches
1.3 GHz
The 1.3 GHz Separable Shielded Antenna elements are typically used for high precision, high resolution measurements and velocity estimations.
- Dimensions: 9 x 8 x 12 cm
- Weight: 1.5 kg each
- Power @ 12 V: Rx: 0.45 [A] Tx: 0.35 [A]
- Compatibility: MALÅ ProEx Control Unit with coaxial module MALÅ MIRA System
400 MHz
The 400 MHz Separable Shielded Antenna elements are typically used for high precision measurements, velocity estimations and where any variation of polarization and Rx-Tx distance is needed.
- Dimensions: 16,5 x 15,5 x 23 cm
- Weight: 2.1 kg each
- Power @ 12 V: Rx: 0.40 [A] Tx: 0.90 [A]
- Compatibility: MALÅ ProEx Control Unit with coaxial module MALÅ MIRA System
200 MHz
The 200 MHz Separable Shielded Antenna elements are typically used for high precision measurements, velocity estimations and where any variation of polarization and Rx-Tx distance is needed.
- Dimensions: 26 x 24 x 46 cm
- Weight: 4.2 kg each
- Power @ 12 V: Rx: 0.45 [A] Tx: 0.75 [A]
- Compatibility: MALÅ ProEx Control Unit with coaxial module MALÅ MIRA System